Our Diocesan Communications Director is the epitome of real-world, or secular talents seen as a spiritual gift, and consequently, used as a ministry. This guy has years of experience in the website and graphic communication field, and the Diocese of Arkansas is truly blessed to have such a gifted Christian on it's staff. From the "Top Ten Ways to Welcome a Stranger" to several websites for congregations, every project he works on is of the highest quality.
This got me thinking about what we consider "ministry" in the church. Many people consider ministry to be acolyting or singing in the choir on Sunday mornings, or going with their youth group to a retirement home over the Christmas holidays. While these are all ministries, there are also many other ministry fields, both sacred and secular.
This example of the Communications Director's ministry of assisting congregations with their web-presence is perfect to understand how our secular talents might be spiritual gifts. Your fascination with computer games might lead you into developing websites for congregations. Your cooking capabilities could lead you into cooking a meal for a family with a family member who is hospitalized.
There are so many opportunities for so many talents that just might be a surprising ministry to the glory of God. What kind of talents can you offer to God and to the world?
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