Saturday, September 21, 2013

Technology's Role in our Faith

Whether people like it or not, technology is becoming a much more prevalent part of our Christian faith than it ever has been before. For example, we have televised worship services, congregational Twitter accounts/Facebook pages, and hashtags for the latest happenings in our churches.

Recently, after having worked with our Diocesan Communications Director, I have become a lot more adept with technology, especially when it comes to using it in congregational purposes. For instance, I have been posting pictures of our Youth group on our Facebook page so that others can see what we are doing in a modern media. I also recently made a video about a group of youth members going to a walk to raise awareness for diabetes. We had a great turn out, but unless we showed it with pictures or a video, others wouldn't be able to tell!

"And they went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it." (Mark 16:20, NRSV)

This passage from the Gospel of Mark tells us that we are the proclaim the good news everywhere, and in every way, including social medias and technology.

As you and your fellow members of a Youth group do the good work we are all called to do, ask yourself how you can share that Christ-filled experience with others.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Thomas. This is just what
    we need. Joan Dietz
