Monday, October 21, 2013

Let's go to Galilee

Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina gave Diocesan Convention address entitled "Let's go to Galilee" where he talked about going to the strangest, most out of place areas of the world to preach the good news in Jesus. The next year, once the Diocese had arrived at Galilee, Curry addressed to them the need to get some "Galilean accents" so they can begin to preach the good news.

Not even an hour after I saw this convention address, I saw an article from a Youth Ministry condemning social medias such as Snapchat or Instagram. It is my belief that social medias such as these are the Galilees where we need to go, and where we need to develop our accents for.

Perhaps it is a generational gap, or a general lack of understanding, but regardless, people condemn social medias. True, there are many negative happenings due to social medias. True, some social medias are used very often for the wrong reasons. Nevertheless, young people are there. They gather in these social medias, and it is our job to learn their language and go there.

I am blessed to be the President of our Student Council, and I have talked about this with our members. There are people who gather in these social medias, and we need to reach to them and promote our causes. We recently started a Facebook Page, a Twitter Account, and even an Instagram account, which is pretty rare for an organization to use. Maybe the next will be Snapchat, or some other cutting-edge social media. Our job is to learn the accent of regions that we may feel uncomfortable in because there are people there. That's what matters. The people.

It is the same way in the Church. We need to go to Galilee, even if it is the most condemned or uncomfortable region we can place ourselves in.

Let's go to Galilee.

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