Monday, September 2, 2013


Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop & Primate of the Episcopal Church, preached a sermon at Episcopal Youth Event 2011 to the 1,000 teenagers who attended (click here for the sermon). Her sermon discussed what she has on her desk, and each item reminds the Presiding Bishop of a larger and significant concept. After hearing this sermon, I immediately went to my desk and began to rearrange what was on it. Here are my reminders:

1. I have a stone Ichthus fish with "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path" (Proverbs 3:6) engraved on the facing, that I received from a family friend at my confirmation. This simple and symbolic stone fish reminds me of my job of service to the God and to the world. For those who don't know, the Ichthus fish was used in the early church as a way to identify other Christians. Someone would trace one part of the fish into the ground, and if the other person completed the other part, the two people would secretly connect as Christians without being persecuted. This fish reminds me that my service to God is based in acknowledging him in other people, and seeking the path that he leads me on.

2. I have a dollar bill with the words "the buck stops here", coming from President Harry Truman, written on it in Sharpie, given to me by my Scoutmaster (and yes, the Presiding Bishop has a very similar reminder). At the time, it was to remind me that my work as the head of the Troop was to be the last link of leadership in the chain of command. However, after I left the Boy Scouts, I take this as a reminder that I am called as a Christian to do what I can with what I am given rather than passing the situation on to someone else.

3. I have a picture of my girlfriend and I before our Junior prom this past April. While it is also a sentimental object, it is a reminder that I am called to love and to value all people in their divine making. The words of my favorite hymn illustrates the kind of love we are called to share: "Jesus, thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy salvation, enter every trembling heart."

4. I have a necklace of shells given to me by a friend and fellow Christian from Hawaii. This serves as a reminder of the connection we all share, and that Christianity stretches across the globe. This is especially true in the Episcopal Church; when I first went to an Episcopal Youth Event Mission Planning Team meeting, I was astonished by the diverse tapestry of personalities and experiences, which we call the Church. I keep these shells to remind me of that image.

So, these are my reminders. My desk has a small ledge right above where I keep these four objects. Whatever I am doing, thinking, or reading, I can always look up and see these four reminders: to acknowledge God, to do what I can, to love the lost, and to stay connected.

I have to keep a planner with me at school, and believe me, the simple notion of writing a task or date down is a lifesaver for me. If the young people in the Church need to be reminded in such a way, why not keep physical reminders of our dearest beliefs close at hands? You might be surprised how it helps you remember what we are called to do.

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